There I was…honestly trying to start my Christmas shopping early, when I wandered over to the Brass Plum section at Nordstrom’s in South Coast Plaza. I spotted the all too familiar TOPSHOP neon sign and I had a flashback to 2010, when I was in the Kensington Street TOPSHOP in London, and the very cute trendy ladies working there threw me in my own personal, shaggy-rugged dressing room, equipped with my own clothing rack, tray of sweets and glass of champagne. I was merely browsing, mind you, but when they offered to comb the dizzying multi-level TOPSHOP for cute outfits for me ( for free!), how could I say no to their impromptu personal styling session???
Soon I had a rack of clothes to try on/ work with, with a team of fashionably dressed girls fetching me different sizes and styles. I never even had to leave my cushy room with my own craft service table in there. (Had to admit, this little set up had me drunk with power! Cue evil laughter here: Muahahahahaha!! LOL, just kidding!) No really, plying me with champagne and cupcakes was probably not a bad move on their part (quickest way to my heart, p.s. is cupcakes), because a few hours later, I walked out with shopping bags (plural) of cute things…. aaaaand a skinnier wallet!
Now…who really had the power in this scenario?? I was hustled, I tell ya!
Oh well, I still wear those items two years later so it was worth every penny and experience! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! ( I have pictures of me in the super cute, modern decor, small bedroom-sized dressing room too, and I’d show you but they are all stuck in my archaic Blackberry, so you’ll just have to imagine me twirling around in front of the mirror with my shopping high.
With that fond memory, I rushed over to the new TOPSHOP section at Nordstrom’s, which I come to learn just opened recently in the early Fall. Only a select number of Nordstrom’s nationwide ( fourteen, to be exact) will house a TOPSHOP section, and lucky for me, two of them are local to me! (Irvine Spectrum and South Coast Plaza, happy day! Anyway, I SWORE, SWORE to myself I’d just browse!!!! No buying for yourself, Karen, seriously!!!!! I wasn’t going to buy anything but again with these damn helpful TOPSHOP workers, (who shall from here on be referred to as, “Shopaholic Enablers”, or “SE” for short,) they just kept bringing me cute thing after cute thing! Then, when I tried to dissuade myself from standing in line to pay, the super nice SE whipped out what looked like was his iPhone and started ringing me up right there with his handy little techie gadget! What will they think of next? First champagne and cupcakes, now wireless, long line-free shopping???? It just goes to show, that good customer service is a testament to keeping returning shopaholics. I’ll definitely be back!!!
Anyway, here is one piece of several that I got that day: This super cute, black cotton mid-calf cross dress. I styled it with some of my chunky silver jewelry, black ombre beanie and some Lita’s, and there you have my TOPSHOP outfit of the day!
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell Lita’s
Beanie: No Rest For Bridget
Jewelry: Brandy Melville
xoxox Karen